Galleries 3
Collections 0
Groups 0
These are the albums from the 2012 "Skate a Gift" Holiday Figure Skating Exhibition at the Extreme Ice Center.

Photos have been uploaded into the individual albums for the three different skating programs. Every skater in each event was photographed.

Prints that you order will be mailed directly to you. You will select the shipping choice at checkout. Don't forget to crop your prints if you would like!

For each album shown below, you may order either individual photo products or a Family CD that contains all digital photos taken of all skaters in your family who performed or competed during the event. The CD will also include photos of any special exhibition presentations and the final cast call.

Order only one CD. You will specify representative photos at Checkout. All photos of your family member(s) will automatically be added.

2:30 Skate Group

Visitors 123
1653 photos
Created 9-Dec-24
Modified 9-Dec-24
2:30 Skate Group

4:00 Skate Group

Visitors 145
1192 photos
Created 16-Dec-12
Modified 16-Dec-12
4:00 Skate Group

5:30 Skate Group

Visitors 140
1641 photos
Created 18-Dec-12
Modified 18-Dec-12
5:30 Skate Group